Saturday, February 1, 2014


Hello All. .

(Guys, I am bored with my life)
(Noo! I am not bored, i am just. .)

I love to travel. .

Bakpacking. .

Having a nice drink. .

Watching people bullshit. .

Sunshine. .

hv to do for now

Some statistics


I hear the sounds of calling. .
(Being a muslim, i hear this sounds 5 times a day)

A sounds of hope..


& these to

Just feeling can't doing any excessive


 thing that i want  too
but. .with a reason

For my level. .
Money is the reason

(Not money. . it was just anything that can be exchange)

(Sometimes, we are just ready for a real meaning of wats)

Just hear this song, so you know.. And i think you know.

(Then, i dun even know wht song tht i want to post)

 . . i've even think

. .

. .that i have no privacy. Someone will said "So u find ur privacy dumbass!" Noe. I dun really hv that too.

MONEY!! then P.E.A.C.E or ..
PEACE then M.O.N.E.Y?

Money than space, or space than money

(wat's their relativity anyways if i can't even start one?) 

(wat's their relativity anyways if i can't even start one?) 

(wat's their relativity anyways if i can't even start one?) 

FTW. I am not blaming. i am just thinking a better solution.

Maybe. Getting things or any unthings soonssss. But with too many "s"

I am not a Superman!

Are you a Superman?

Yeah, In your dream..

Dream and always dream. .


Guys. .

I am a Malaysian tryin typing in English.

So, that's a little bit wat?

So the world can read my idioms.

At least.

I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend 
(I wish me would step back from the building. .For a better feeling, I prefer a tower, rather than a knife. Actually, knife is a good choice)

You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in 
(Kind of a lie of life when man lost the purity of humanity)

(The rest is only lyrics..I am bored, i tell yaah...)

And. . if you do not want to see me again
I would understand, I would understand
The angry boy a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you don't belong 

You're the first to fight
You're way too loud 

You're the flash of light on a burial shroud
I know something's wrong 

Well everyone I know has got a reason
To say put the past away 

I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend 

You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in 

And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand, I would understand 

Well he's on the table and he's gone to code
And I do not think anyone knows 

What they're doing here 

And your friends have left you
You've been dismissed 

I never thought it would come to this
And I, I want you to know 

Everyone's got to face down the demons
Maybe today
You could put the past away 

I wish you would step back from
That ledge my friend 

You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again 

I would understand, I would understand 

I would understand, I would understand 

I would understand, I would understand 

Can you put the past away

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