Sunday, February 2, 2014

No Title

Well. . .

Hello all again..

Seems we've not in touch for a while, around lots of hour maybe.
As we'll know, depends.
Facing things cope with the mind to think the reasons of that thing.
And wat is de perfect song to hear in this time around?
I wonder if you have something lately.
And again..there's is nothing much too do.
F!! wordssssss.....! yeap, i am lazy. .

I am coping with my plan, not lazy ok

So you can see, I have a job (Before)

Not doing thing till it's all in proper manner.

Actually. .Things is not that eaaaasy. So it is easy!


Ok, this song!

(...Actually, i still don't know what song that i want to put in here...)

(Maybe this song)


Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

I want to know wht do you guys think bout the song.
Not knowing much about music, but i still have ears.
Dude..I can even read too!
Its was a magical.

Anyway people. .


-The wind blow-


ILLEGAL SMILE.. are we everyday tried being illegal?

No wonder there's too much alcoholic freak still life out there.
(please man, change drunk too stone)

Yeah yeah yeah. Life is a choice.
Anyway the wind blow?


Why we all writing eh?
Got too much ideas?
Cope with unsatisfied situation?
Not too smart?
or wats?


20 Dollars in My Pocket..Thriftshop..poP some tag/tax? ?
i dun no

It's all just about the money you have.
And like what i was said in my previous previous (too much previous)
post before. .
'Why they born to be rich and happen to sniff sniff(too much sniff)
(Still dun getting enough peace. i know, i know !)

Life is magical..


( i am using words skip..sometimes i used the word 'meanwhile' or any appropiate word cause...
I WANT TO TELL STORY AS IF YOU SEE A PICTURE..hoping you and me able to understand everything)

_MEANWHILE. .( In some parts of my brain. .)_

Woww~10 Hours video of What Is Love? What is looov song. .

There are human able to think for 10 hours actually for only one thing like this video.
CAUSE..One thing is everything. .


Uh, wait. Who is gonna pay me with all the efforts i put in here?

(Bored style. .)

..To be continued
(Maybe with a new post i mean)

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